Member of the Board of the International Qigong Science Association, member of the Presidium of the International Forum Health, beauty and longevity ", member of the International Academy of Information Technology at the UN.
Author of "New Life Style, New Civilization," published in the collection of the International Forum in Beijing in 2007 and received the prize for outstanding scientific contribution "to this forum.
Born in China. At an early age with his parents emigrated to the USSR for political reasons.
Graduated from Moscow State University. MV University, Ph.D. in Philology.
With Abbot Shaolin Temple.
Qigong began to engage in early childhood, he studied with many famous Chinese artists.
In the mid 80-ies, organized in Moscow, one of the first schools to teach Qigong and Tai Chi, subsequently developed many innovative concepts and techniques
Meditative Dance: conscious work with ene rgiey Yin-Yang in ancient Eastern schools through dance, creates a powerful magnet for connection to an inexhaustible source - energy of love.
October 12
Tea Ceremony MAGIC TEA
We invite you to our Piece of Paradise! You will receive an exclusive program!
MAGIC TEA - A tea ceremony with a hereditary master Tao, Master Wang Dan Jin. You will have an unforgettable opportunity to plunge into the sacred act, filled with magical music, dance, intoxicating aroma of tea and oriental perfumes
MAGIG TEA-is a special meditation on the positive energy field, this new way of physical rehabilitation and the creation of the Miracle making tea in the Heavenly Nectar of Joy, Love and Beauty
משך הסמינר: 18:00-20:00 כתובת:תל אביב
הרשמה בטלפון: 052-4330-183
October 15
October 16
金丹 «Jin-dan" - "Golden Elixir" or "Elixir of Eternal Youth" - the quintessence of the esoteric teachings of Taoist Immortals
The ultimate aim of all the ambitions and aspirations and that for thousands of years practiced daossy, is to achieve unity and harmony of Yin and Yang, ie, striving for perfection and immortality.
Master Wang Dan Jin comes from the legendary ancient family of China, is the heir and guardian of the mysteries. On the basis of a creative approach to the heritage of traditional schools of qigong, he created a special area, called Dancing Qigong (or Qigong in the style of dance), where a storehouse of ancient knowledge about rehabilitation, healing and rejuvenation harmoniously connected with the attitude and aspirations of the people of the XXI century, and utochennaya eastern plastic - with the cosmic rhythms and melodies.
Education in the author's school master Wang instrumental in opening and development of inexhaustible potential strength, energy and inspiration, strengthens physically, spiritually transforms and presents you with an opportunity to:
- Learn the secrets of preserving youth and beauty
- Improve their health and wellbeing, getting rid of many ailments and problems
- To discover and reveal a lot of potential talents and abilities
- Really bring good luck and success in various areas of their lives
- Continuously up the steps of spiritual and physical self, opening new horizons in the comprehension of Beauty, Joy and Love.
משך הסמינר:15/10/2010 בת ים 10:00-18:00 הוד-השרון 16/10/2010 09:00-17:00 עלות סמינר 350 ש"ח. עלות הסדנה למשתתפים בפסטיבל "מוזה" 300 ש"ח.
הרשמה בטלפון: 052-4330-183
MUZA 2010